Thursday, November 29, 2007


Since updating the shop I've been busy printing a lot of new faces and piecing together patterns and designs that I've been wanting to for awhile now. Also I shipped a large box of croissants to Shanalogic and I'm currently in the process of getting together a box of goods for White Rabbit in Iowa City.

In the past few days I've made a set of pigs in a blanket and, a very handsome carrot.

Time's running out and I only have about a month until I leave the country, but I'm excited for when I get back. I have big plans to get a business license and learn more about the business world, and also perhaps invest in a serious website. Hopefully someday!

I recently started compiling a wish list for the holidays, which I haven't in a long while since I always feel uncomfortable telling people what to get me...

If only it was realistic for me to wish for a baby ant eater :

Also good :

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