Tuesday, November 13, 2007

dressy bessy + slobby bobby

*beignets made for a special order

so school and sewing are REALLY taking over my life and the limited internet access i have makes it really difficult to post stuff when i actually DO have access, since so much of my homework and assignments are online now those get priority resulting in a very deprived poor lost bread blog.

anyway, since i just learned how to do this AND was just talking about how school is taking over my life you can look at this beautiful powerpoint i made for my french business class. it's on this music/craft/everything fair in Montréal called POP Montréal but i focused on Puces Pop which is the craft fair part of the extravaganza en français.

also i've been eating very well (yikes), and here's a very personal photo with the baked macaroni and cheese i made... last week? yes, last week.

my first casserole ever.

a pile of felt creme brulée dishes :

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